Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Flu Art

The last week of the semester has been INSANE and I've had the flu (guess what? In college you can't get your mommy to call in sick for you) so here's some random stuff I kind of liked and in my flu-haze have decided to post. 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Abacus Alex

So here's the truth, ghosts who read my blog, my name isn't truly Zanna. I've never been called anything else for as long as I can remember, but apparently before the dawn of my brain being able to remember things I was called Alexandra. Which is weird. So for my creative concepts class I chose to design a character using Alex instead of Zanna (it had to involve our name) because I pretty much couldn't think of anything other than "Zanna Zebra selling zebra cakes" or "Zanna Zion selling robots intent on using humans as a power source akin to batteries and enslaving their minds in a cyclical flawed computer program". Long story short, here is Abacus Alex selling... mathematical video games for kids! Do you know how hard it was not to write Mathematical! over her head in large caps font? This is a stupid post. 

The Face of Procrastination

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Face Painting

Painting a face for the (3rd) time ever yo! First time in art school anyways. My iPhone camera makes the colours look less intense :(